Coach/Trainer Pathways

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Steps to offering quality coaching and training

Do you want to use the Wholeness Work as a coach? Do you want to teach the Wholeness Work for groups? Perhaps you want to do both.

If you are reading this, you probably know from your own experience that this work is quite transformative. Live trainings and coaching sessions offered by experienced, skilled, capable, and kind-hearted practitioners are going to be an essential part of sharing the Wholeness Work and its potential impact in the world.

Coach/trainer pathways

The Wholeness Work is simple in one sense, yet can be a rich dance of subtlety and intricacy as one’s understanding deepens.

If you want to coach and/or train Wholeness Work, below are the current recommended steps that will help you to offer this work in a quality and congruent way. These steps don’t necessarily need to happen in order.

Three notes:

Over time we will be adding to the resources available, and may even create a Certification Pathway. As we learn what is useful to Trainers/Coaches, we expect to offer resources to match.

Currently we are not offering official certification of Wholeness Trainers. We are instead making recommendations for acquiring the skills and experience that make it possible to offer high quality trainings.

The steps below are what we consider the necessary background in Wholeness Work. Most Trainers and Coaches will benefit from additional background in other areas. In depth training and experience with Core. Transformation is recommended, since this method is complementary to Wholeness Work and can increase its effectiveness.

3. Streaming Video Trainings

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7

Do the processes yourself as a practice

Having personal experience with how the method works is essential. This lays the foundation for being able to effectively guide someone else, and to teach the work congruently. The longer you have done this practice yourself, the more you will have intuitions to draw upon when guiding someone else. There isn’t a set number of days to do this practice that is suddenly “enough,” although I encourage doing the personal practice for three months (90 days) before beginning to teach in a significant way.

Note: it can be extremely helpful to work with the impetus to teach, as part of the inner work we each do.

Do the processes yourself as a practice

Having personal experience with how the method works is essential. This lays the foundation for being able to effectively guide someone else, and to teach the work congruently. The longer you have done this practice yourself, the more you will have intuitions to draw upon when guiding someone else. There isn’t a set number of days to do this practice that is suddenly “enough,” although I encourage doing the personal practice for three months (90 days) before beginning to teach in a significant way.

Note: it can be extremely helpful to work with the impetus to teach, as part of the inner work we each do.

Do the processes yourself as a practice

Having personal experience with how the method works is essential. This lays the foundation for being able to effectively guide someone else, and to teach the work congruently. The longer you have done this practice yourself, the more you will have intuitions to draw upon when guiding someone else. There isn’t a set number of days to do this practice that is suddenly “enough,” although I encourage doing the personal practice for three months (90 days) before beginning to teach in a significant way.

Note: it can be extremely helpful to work with the impetus to teach, as part of the inner work we each do.

Do the processes yourself as a practice

Having personal experience with how the method works is essential. This lays the foundation for being able to effectively guide someone else, and to teach the work congruently. The longer you have done this practice yourself, the more you will have intuitions to draw upon when guiding someone else. There isn’t a set number of days to do this practice that is suddenly “enough,” although I encourage doing the personal practice for three months (90 days) before beginning to teach in a significant way.

Note: it can be extremely helpful to work with the impetus to teach, as part of the inner work we each do.

Do the processes yourself as a practice

Having personal experience with how the method works is essential. This lays the foundation for being able to effectively guide someone else, and to teach the work congruently. The longer you have done this practice yourself, the more you will have intuitions to draw upon when guiding someone else. There isn’t a set number of days to do this practice that is suddenly “enough,” although I encourage doing the personal practice for three months (90 days) before beginning to teach in a significant way.

Note: it can be extremely helpful to work with the impetus to teach, as part of the inner work we each do.

Do the processes yourself as a practice

Having personal experience with how the method works is essential. This lays the foundation for being able to effectively guide someone else, and to teach the work congruently. The longer you have done this practice yourself, the more you will have intuitions to draw upon when guiding someone else. There isn’t a set number of days to do this practice that is suddenly “enough,” although I encourage doing the personal practice for three months (90 days) before beginning to teach in a significant way.

Note: it can be extremely helpful to work with the impetus to teach, as part of the inner work we each do.

Do the processes yourself as a practice

Having personal experience with how the method works is essential. This lays the foundation for being able to effectively guide someone else, and to teach the work congruently. The longer you have done this practice yourself, the more you will have intuitions to draw upon when guiding someone else. There isn’t a set number of days to do this practice that is suddenly “enough,” although I encourage doing the personal practice for three months (90 days) before beginning to teach in a significant way.

Note: it can be extremely helpful to work with the impetus to teach, as part of the inner work we each do.

What Others Say
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Jason L. Guidry
CEO at designernews

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