The Method Behind Wholeness Work

Discover the Process. Embrace the Transformation.


Introduction to Wholeness Work

The Wholeness Work is a transformational personal growth methodology centered around the concept of self-integration. This approach derives its foundations from deep psychological understanding and enlightened spiritual traditions. The main objective is to facilitate individuals to reconnect with various parts of themselves, including those that might be hidden or suppressed, to come to a state of 'wholeness.' This process of integration helps to release stress, improve relationships, augment creativity, and promote overall well-being. Ultimately, the goal of the Wholeness Work is to enable personal transformation through increased self-awareness and to foster a more harmonious, fulfilled life experience.

Benefits of The Wholeness Work
The Wholeness Work is helping people in more areas than we ever thought it would. It does this by accessing a more fundamental aspect of the structure of our psyche than we could previously reach. It’s simple, gentle, and opens the doorway to a more joyful, loving, creative, and fulfilling life.
Here are a few more areas where the Wholeness Work helps:
  • Emotional Reactivity
“I haven’t been losing my temper.” “The jealousy I felt isn’t there.” “Before I was so easily hurt, and now I can usually deal with other people’s rough edges from a more loving place. This becomes stronger as I use this method more. It feels like something got healed.”
  • Anxiety
“I haven’t been losing my temper.” “The jealousy I felt isn’t there.” “Before I was so easily hurt, and now I can usually deal with other people’s rough edges from a more loving place. This becomes stronger as I use this method more. It feels like something got healed.”
  • Depression
“I was relieved to have something that finally made a difference.”
  • Unwanted Habits
“It shifted the compulsive eating I was doing.”
  • And Even Health Issues
“The chronic fatigue mostly cleared up…” “pre-migraine aura was instantly gone.” “…used it for my allergies and it worked.” “I have more energy.”
Note that some of the above changes were from a one-time use of the process. However experiences like chronic health issues or depression usually get the best results when using this process over time. Often people do experience quite soon that something is finally beginning to work for them. The full results usually come through learning to use the process as a simple and kind life practice. After learning the process, this can be done in a short amount of time, or even while we are going about our usual activities.
What Others Say
Unlock Your Journey with 'Coming to Wholeness
Step into the transformative world of the Wholeness Work. Connirae Andreas’s 'Coming to Wholeness' is your guide to personal awakening and growth. Embrace the journey within its pages.
Get Your Copy Now


The Wholeness Work is a precise and specific model that helps individuals put spiritual teachings into practice. It offers a step-by-step process to dissolve the everyday sense of the ego and experience profound transformations. By integrating daily life and resolving life problems, this method opens the door to a more joyful, loving, creative, and fulfilling life.
Unlike spiritual practices that may create a separation between meditative states and daily life, the Wholeness Work naturally integrates with daily living. By addressing life issues, individuals can access a sense of the "vast self" or an affectionate presence and clarity. This process not only resolves problems but also leads to a fundamental shift in how one engages with the world, bringing about increased well-being, wisdom, compassion, and humor.
The Wholeness Work offers a range of benefits, including the easy and gentle transformation of stress, the dissolution of relationship reactivity, improved sleep, enhanced creativity and humor, and the opportunity to connect with one's deeper self in times of overwhelm. Additionally, the Wholeness Work has been found to have positive effects on emotional reactivity, anxiety, unwanted habits, and even health issues such as chronic fatigue and allergies.
The training sessions for the Wholeness Foundation course are conducted live online and closely resemble in-person trainings. Participants have the opportunity to observe live demonstrations of Wholeness Work methods and engage in guided exercises with a partner using Zoom's breakout rooms. Experienced coaches are also present to provide assistance and support throughout the exercises.
In each webinar of the Wholeness Foundation course, participants will learn and experience a new Wholeness Work method. This includes a live demonstration of the method, followed by practicing the process with a partner using Zoom's breakout rooms. The webinars cover various topics, such as transforming life issues, using Wholeness Work in daily life and improving sleep, integrating authority, and integrating what's missing. The methods taught in the webinars focus on dissolving the ego and provide participants with practical tools for personal transformation.
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